Sixth Form Profiles
Throughout their experience in our Sixth Form and on graduation from Gunnersbury Catholic School at the end of Year 12 or Year 13, it is anticipated that our senior students are able to :
- have accepted greater accountability for their actions and decisions relating to their academic and personal development
- have shown respect and courtesy for their Sixth Form Centre, their surroundings, their peers and the staff at all levels of the school
- have developed a positive and mutually beneficial working partnership with their teachers
- have shown enterprise and leadership in how they approach their academic and personal development and their role as the most senior members of the school community
- have shown Christian virtues of charity and tolerance of others
All Year 12 and Year 13 students are encouraged to get involved in making the Sixth Form and indeed, the whole school, a thriving and exciting place to study. Armed with a positive attitude and commitment to bettering themselves and their life chances, we advocate our senior students to view the Sixth Form as a place to develop interests, to grow as a person, a place to feel a part of and proud of, a place to leave with a brighter future secured.