Sixth Form
Our Sixth Form provides a truly outstanding education for young men and women in West London and beyond. Gunnersbury has an excellent record of success in public examinations and academic standards are exceptionally high; our A level results regularly place us amongst the top state schools in the country with the majority of our students continuing their studies at top universities. Our senior students are high achieving and successful. Year on year our ‘A’ Level pass rate has been 100%, with students securing grades A* and A well above the national average. Gunnersbury Sixth Formers go on to study at Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial College, UCL, York, Durham, King’s College and St Andrews, to name a few.
Once again, in 2024, our sixth form success placed Gunnersbury amongst the best institutions for student progression and care.
Students who continue their studies in the Sixth Form or join us from other schools settle in very quickly. We believe that this is because of the excellent pastoral care provided by the Sixth Form team, as well as the friendly and welcoming nature of our students.
The two principal components that drive our school’s ethos are our commitment to academic success and to developing the ‘whole person.’ Armed with a positive attitude and commitment to bettering themselves and their life chances, we advocate our senior students to view the Sixth Form as a place to develop interests, to grow as a person, a place to feel a part of and proud of, a place to leave with a brighter future secured. We believe that in our Sixth Form you will receive an education second to none. Students say teachers at Gunnersbury are knowledgeable, approachable and helpful. Certainly, their goodwill in giving advice and support adds greatly to the quality of our provision and to your future success. As always, we encourage students and parents to find about as much as they can about new subjects before making final decisions about courses for next year.
In 2024, the majority of our students have continued their studies at a Russell Group university including: Liverpool, Birmingham, Bristol, Queen Mary, Imperial College London, Manchester, Cardiff, Southampton, York and Warwick university.
In terms of what Gunnersbury students have decided to read at university, the 2024 cohort have begun their undergraduate studies in the following subjects :
- Science and Medicine : 15%
- Maths and Engineering : 20%
- Arts and humanities : 18%
- Social sciences and law : 17%
- Business and economics : 30%
From the Spring Term in Year 12, students are supported throughout their UCAS applications, with a great deal of time and care being placed upon creating robust, personalised and relevant applications. Dedicated UCAS support continues in the summer term and enables students to make informed and realistic choices in their applications to university and to receive further information on apprenticeships.
Students in 2024 took part in Reading Scholars programme, Eton College Summer school, a range of work experiences in law, medicine and engineering etc. In addition, students have participated in workshops with Imperial College London undergraduates, online and face to face subject spotlights run by Cambridge and Oxford university and been accepted onto mentoring programmes from a variety of universities across the country.
As well as this all Year 12 students attend the annual careers fair run by ‘What University? What Career?’ students can speak directly with both representatives from these various establishments but also apprenticeship providers and attend talks on CVs, UCAS and how to prepare for interviews. We also invite ‘Wize Up’ to speak to our sixth form students on Student Finance and Apprenticeships, Tax & Pensions, Budgeting & Earning Extra Money across Year 12 and Year 13.
Weekly assemblies seek to deliver important messages and lines of inspiration in respect of life after Gunnersbury and these are very much appreciated by our senior students. Each year, over 90% of our graduating senior students are successful in securing their chosen university place. We have an enviable record in ensuring all who aspire to the very best undergraduate courses at the top universities across the UK, and beyond, achieve their goal.