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Pastoral Care

Each of the Years 7 to 11 are divided into six forms; Warren, Pole, Dunstan, Bourne, Roche and Newman. In the Sixth Form, senior pupils are housed in Form Groups named after Oxbridge colleges.

The lower school house system was introduced to Gunnersbury by our second headteacher Father Robert McCliment in 1935. The first two houses to be established were Bourne and Pole (the object being to encourage friendly competition and rivalry both on and off the games field). As the school grew in size so two more houses were introduced to Gunnersbury, these being Warren and Roche. When we moved to jour new site in 1984 the final two houses, Dunstan and Newman, were established.

On entry to our school each pupil is allocated to one of these forms. The forms are each headed by a specific Form Tutor. The Form Tutors are responsible for the day to day welfare of the pupils in their form. A Head of Year will oversee the pastoral care and support within a particular year group. Where necessary they will support and aid the form tutor in their role.

A member of SLT is charged with overall responsibility for the pastoral system of each key stage and works closely with the Learning Development Department to ensure all pupils receive the support and guidance they need to reach their full potential.

Our clear system of rewards and sanctions enables pupils, parents and teachers to understand and support the expectations of the school. We celebrate our pupils achievements as much as possible and encourage and praise our pupils as much as possible. Pupils wear the colours they are awarded with pride. This with a firm system of discipline creates and an ethos of high performance and excellent behaviour.

“This is a lively and supportive school community where behaviour is exemplary, and attendance is high."

OFSTED Jan 2023


Gunnersbury Catholic School