Information for Parents and Carers
The support of parents and carers is critical to the guidance students receive in terms of their post 14, 16 and 18 transitions.
Resources, websites and opportunities are regularly shared with students via their Google Classrooms and parents will receive emails related to CEAIG events and opportunities.
START is an incredibly useful website that all students have access to. It greatly assists students in understanding the choices they have available to them at key points in their educational journey.
START enables students to create a profile and record their achievements and skills via an on-line Locker. Students can continue to update their skills as they move into each key stage and navigate the thousands of jobs, courses and opportunities available. This package provides the students and parents with local labour market information.
We encourage parents to explore these resources with their children.
Parents can access the website as a guest using the following link:
Information for Parents:
- Year 9 students will make choices about which subjects they will study at Key Stage 4
- Year 11 students will decide: whether to stay in full-time education, whether to study A levels or vocational qualifications at Sixth Form or College, to complete an apprenticeship or a traineeship or to get a job with training. All young people are required to continue in one of these forms of education until their 18th birthday
- At the end of the academic year, after their 18th birthday, students can decide to stay in full-time education at College or University, to complete an apprenticeship or get a job
Points to consider:
- When choosing subjects for further study, focus on those that your child enjoys and shows some strength in. Some careers may require specific subjects at GCSE and A level so take this into account also but, we would not advise students to pick a subject for this reason alone
- Learning style is important. If your child struggles in exams, but does much better in classwork and homework, they may suit a vocational course better where the grades are not based solely on exams
- When applying for Sixth Forms and Colleges, attend as many open events as possible to help you decide the best option for your child. Remember you can apply for as many different places as you like and we advise that this is completed before the end of the Autumn term
Some helpful Resources:
Careermag for Parents
Careermag for Parents connects students and their parents to the latest career and qualification routes available.
The Parental Guidance website is a fantastic resource providing information on:
Below is the latest Labour Market Bulletin from EDT which helps inform you of the national and local picture.
Get Involved
At Gunnersbury we see great value in our students engaging with the careers curriculum in practical ways; we believe students gain a lot from external speakers who can offer different viewpoints, insight and experiences. We are also aware of the vast resource that is our parent body and are keen to bring people and organisations into the school to inspire our young learners and bring areas of work and study to life.
If you are able to support the school by providing:
- Careers talks- sharing your experiences in a particular industry or career
- Work experience placements
- Careers workshop- on various careers related topics
Please email the Careers Lead
Mr C Parker
Telephone: 020-8232-5020
Email: christian.parker@gunnersbury.hounslow.sch.uk