Enrichment and Challenge Programme
Enrichment and Challenge in the Curriculum for our Students
The role of the Enrichment and Challenge Programme is to facilitate the development of individuals who wish to develop their subject knowledge beyond the classroom. These individuals are not only gifted in terms of their academic ability, but they have also demonstrated an enthusiasm and interest in various subjects, and have shown real potential to develop. Pupils for the Enrichment and Challenge Programme is done through academic review of assessment and examination results, as well as through discussion with teachers and Heads of Department.
Pupils on the Enrichment and Challenge Programme should be looking to partake in ‘super-curricular’ activities across a wide range of subjects. Whereas we are all used to the term ‘extra-curricular’, ‘super-curricular’ means further work and investigation related to a particular area of academic study. This might come in the form of additional podcasts, lectures or wider academic reading. Pupils will find general advice on how to pursue their ‘super-curricular’ interests below, as well as subject-by-subject suggestions.
The Enrichment and Challenge Programme pupils are expected to develop their independent learning skills through being proactive in following up on these ‘super-curricular’ suggestions. At the same time, they should expect to be stretched and challenged in the classroom, as well as being given opportunities to further their learning through school-arranged speakers, activities and trips.
For example Enrichment and Challenge Programme pupils have benefited from taking part in Jack Petchey Speak-Out workshops, performing at school concerts, involvement in the school production, sporting competitions in the borough and London area, Eton Summer University placements, Reading University Scholars placements, French Spelling Bee competition and many others
Our hope is that through these opportunities, we can also encourage aspiration, and Enrichment and Challenge Programme pupils, as well as others, may go on to our sixth-form Aquinas programme. This will prepare them not only for Oxbridge, but also for putting together strong applications to Russell Group universities and other institutions.
The opportunities are there for all pupils of the school, particularly those on the Enrichment and Challenge Programme, to further their own interests and understanding. Act now by using the links on the school website to search for these super-curricular opportunities! Or talk to us if you spot an opportunity yourself, and we will see if we can organise our school’s participation.