DfE confirms Gunnersbury’s Leading Examination Position
Gunnersbury has once again been recognised by the Department for Education (DfE) for the outstanding performances of our students. In fact, in the DfE’s recently published secondary school performance data, Gunnersbury leads the way for schools nationally. We are the Number 1 Boys non-selective School in the country for attainment in both GCSE English and Mathematics. Put simply, no other boys comprehensive school has achieved GCSE results in English and Mathematics of the standard that Gunnersbury pupils have in 2023. Our pupils are excelling beyond all in these more critical of subjects. Furthermore, for GCSE achievement Gunnersbury is in the top 0.5% of all schools nationally.
It is with the utmost pride and admiration that we congratulate our students, their families and our teachers on this incredible performance. We are ever so proud of the incredible school that our community has shaped here. Year on year our students reach the highest. Ad Altiora